In the next segment of our series on the Quantum Spiritual Laws of Life, this week, we explore, what we call, the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. 

If you were to mount an arrow on a bow and stretch the cord, then, inevitably, it will launch the arrow which is bound to reach the target in its direction. 

No matter how big or small, all of us leave an impact on this Earth that houses us. The Earth in turn is nested in the Universe which has its own laws that govern us. One such law is the law of Cause and Effect. 

Whatever you see in front of you is merely the effect of a cause that may or may not be known to you. To know that there is a cause to every effect is to know, it all began somewhere. Automatically, healing and reversing the cause at the root level can reverse its effect in your life across all spheres. 

This makes it possible to see the changes you have always wanted in your current reality. 

In fact, just knowing this helps you go beyond what you see in your life and do something about it. 

For instance, almost all of us, at some point in our life, feel that we are stuck, either in terms of where we are or what we must do, etc. Try changing your verbatim to what makes me stuck in my life and almost immediately you will have something, to begin with. 

Again, for instance, to say that people control me is to admit that at some point, I failed to draw clear boundaries for myself and that has made all the difference

To know the cause then also brings the responsibility of taking the onus of that cause if it belongs to us and then take the necessary actions in accordance. In this case, draw clear yet flexible boundaries with love and assertiveness. 

Or even choose to stay where you are as the law of Choice and Consequence would have it. 

The Universal Law of Cause and Effect then is a universal disclaimer that everything you see is merely an effect with a cause behind it. Everything that you see in the world outside of you, is a direct reflection of the world that you house within - every extrinsic effect has an intrinsic cause. This also becomes the premise of the fact that we ourselves create our reality, no matter how ideal or unfavorable it may be.  

To know more about what may have been the cause to your effect or to understand how every extrinsic effect has an intrinsic cause, feel free to get in touch with us below : 

Onwards and Upwards!

Team Happiness


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