Happiness and Oneness
What brings happiness to us? What is the definition of happiness?
A common answer would be that it is subjective. In saying so, we assume that what is happiness for one, maybe not be for the other. Almost always, happiness is considered in a personal rather than a universal context.
Consider the following example:
You can easily separate two cubes of ice. But when we subject them to some warmth, they turn into water. Can you separate water? The same water when subjected to more heat becomes vapor, which cannot even be held, let alone be separated.
Vapour vibrates higher than water, which vibrates higher than ice.
The happier we are, the higher we vibrate. The above example further shows that the higher we vibrate, the closer we are to oneness. Happiness has in its essence, the principle of oneness. In that, the two are on different sides of the same page.
Let's do this fun exercise!
Try eating your food without bending your elbows. In fact, you can invite a few friends and together, compete to see who can eat or better, finish first!
You’ll soon know what we are talking about.
Happiness doesn't bloom in isolation. The way to find happiness is to create it for yourself and then for others in your environment. The only way to heal and grow personally is to grow together with those around you.
You may find that this is against the idea that we have been taught all throughout our lifetimes; that life is a race where only the fittest survive. That the only way to survive is to compete. The truth is, when we then let our fears and insecurities become our guiding forces and toil to reach wherever we desire, that too before others, we never really find happiness; Neither in the struggle for it nor in reaching the destinations we thought would bring us happiness.
What does being successful alone feel like?
When you succeed alone, all others are defeated, and if you find this success to be the cause of your happiness, then this means that in order for you to be happy, others have to be sad. But consider, if those around you are unhappy, then no matter how well settled you are, can you be happy?
One cannot grow alone while others around continue to struggle. So then, is this idea of living really making us happy? Is the pursuit of any personal goal in life truly the cause of happiness?
Just like in the example above, you cannot eat your own food without bending your elbows, till the time you are competing with others around you. However, the moment you rise above the competitive space and look to feed the same food to your friends, all of you can eat effortlessly without bending your elbows. Simple?
Operating on a frequency of giving and receiving love!
When you truly open your hearts and act with love instead of fears and insecurities, your neighbors, friends, and even strangers will respond to you and feel like your loved ones. When more of us operate on a frequency of giving and receiving love, instead of a need to control our environment, we complete the circle and receive and experience happiness and love, in no time.
When we are truly open to growing together and giving abundantly, while filling our own cup, we receive abundantly too.
To receive, we do not need to wait for others to know this rule, because what we give is what we receive. In that, we are One and Oneness is what takes you further in your quest for happiness. In turn, in its essence, happiness finds universal oneness and collective good.
The universe also rewards the missions and dreams that are designed for the collective good.
So, if you want to be happy, create happiness for everyone around you including yourself. If you want to be successful, create success for others. Create five successful employees for your organisation and you will automatically find yourself to be successful.
Consider this example, alone you can work only for so many hours a day, but within a group of people, all of them working for the same hours together will achieve much more person-hours worth of work than one individual alone. You may end up with over 40 work hours in a day of merely 24 hours, given a group of five, each working for eight hours.
Choose to look beyond your own household. Grow beyond the limitations of your own happiness. See what you can do, with your existing strengths, for the collective growth of the social context you are placed in.
It won't be long before your and everyone else's happiness is found!
Let us know in the comments if something has shifted. Also, feel free to share this with anyone you think may resonate with it too.
Love and Light
-Team Happiness
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