Negative and Limiting beliefs
Our lives are a myriad of experiences, colored differently in shades of joy, hurt, love, sorrow, regret, excitement, and so on. Interestingly, in our attempt to decode our life experiences, especially those that are negative, we tend to draw conclusions about what is true of us. In the bargain, we land up creating or adopting various beliefs that may or may not be helpful to us.
Our beliefs are simply conclusions that we may draw after some significant life event.
Any belief that requires you to hold on to past hurt or one that stops you from doing something that is important to you, is negative for you. These may also be ones that make you resort to unhealthy ways of behaving.
For example, my negative belief about myself is that I am not good enough. In that case, this belief is neither helping me grow to any level in life nor is it giving me happiness or serving any other benefit to me. Rather it is almost like an automatic self-deprecating dialogue that many of us play while chatting with ourselves. Now, say I am offered a promotion at work, which I deny because of this belief, then this becomes not only a negative but also a limiting belief, one that stops me from doing something that is important to me and could have been beneficial for me.
While we are free to think what we may want to, the problem begins to show up when our belief systems hinder our interactions in our everyday life. The above-given case is a small instance of how we let our limiting beliefs govern our reality.
Let us do a small exercise.
Try to pen down your top five negative beliefs about yourself, just like the one you read before. Try to write at least five, ( however, you can add more if that is something that you wish to do. )
Now try reading these beliefs as they are in front of you. Notice something? Did you immediately begin to feel worked up or restless? Pay attention to your breath. You may find that it is constricted and shallower than before. Do you feel emotional in reading these? Are these narratives that you may have often heard from those around you?
Our beliefs create our reality!
Just like how in standing on top of a mountain, when you scream out Tanya’s name, Tanya is what gets echoed and magnified and ends up resounding in the entire valley. Calling out Tanya’s name does not give back Rita. Similarly, the Universe echoes what you chant to yourself or believe so sacredly. Your self-talk becomes your affirmation, which in turn is magnified and becomes your reality.
So, in holding onto these beliefs, understand that your experiences do not lead you to believe something alone. After you’ve made your conclusions, your beliefs then create these experiences as they get repeated in your life. Thus, there comes the need to change our belief systems at the core, to the desired form, so that they may create our desired favourable reality.
But, if I have been cheated several times in relationships, will simply saying to myself that it is okay to trust others, or that one should have faith, etc. be enough? Meaning if my life experiences reflect or justify what I believe today, would it be possible to simply change a belief by thinking about it? Consider for a moment.
How easy or difficult is it for someone to simply abandon a belief that holds true for their entire life? This is where healing comes in.
When you choose to heal the core of where it all started, you heal the cause of the issue and hence its effect automatically changes. In any negative experience, what we lack are the resources to effectively adapt or deal with the circumstances. As we choose to empower ourselves today as well as our younger selves within, we effectively become the co-creators of our own reality and make the difference that we wish to make in our lives.
To know more about how to change faulty belief systems from the core and become the co-creators of your reality.
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Team Happiness
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