How writing affirmations can transform your reality?

Being critical or unappreciative of ourselves is one of the very common habits of almost all of us. Be it our own critical inner voice, limiting beliefs, or random remarks that we keep passing about ourselves throughout the day, this voice within us has always acted as a major hindrance in walking our highest potential.

The talk that we have with ourselves throughout the different parts of the day always contributes its share of the story in deciding our physical reality. However, it’s not always necessary that we become a victim of our negative or critical self-talk all this while! All the internal dialogue that we have with ourselves throughout the day becomes a part of our self-talk whether positive or negative, as even discussed in one of our previous blog posts, our mind is literal and smart enough to believe and execute all that you ask it to do. So, before we get into the decoding of how to exactly change or transform this negative self-talk, let’s get into a bit of understanding of what exactly is negative and positive self-talk! Negative Self-talk Does your mind ever gets pumped up with ideas and thoughts that you would really want to execute in your reality but the moment you think of doing it, a small second voice in your mind starts saying “You can’t do it!”, “You are not good enough”, “You always miserably fail in all that you do” etc? This exact voice within your head that constantly keeps on reminding you of all the flaws that one can have within and all those negative remarks and labels that you address yourself with is called negative self-talk. Needless to say, the cause of even such talks is deep-rooted in our conditioning and upbringing. So how do we overcome such negative self-talk and shift our reality? There are multiple ways of it such as recognizing our inner voice and becoming aware of it. However, through this blog post, we would discover the importance of affirmations in reversing our negative and critical self-talk and materializing all our desires into actual physical reality. What are affirmations? How to use these positive affirmations? Round the clock 24x7, every thought that you think and every word that you speak is an affirmation. When we repeat something to ourselves over and over again, it eventually becomes a default part of our system. To eliminate unhealthy patterns from life and to grow and transform, unlearning the negative self-talk and replacing it with positive affirmations is essential.

We have all been used to a certain kind of language that we use to communicate with ourselves and others. Interestingly, over all these years the same mind that was filled with bundles of doubts, criticism, judgments, etc. also has the power to transform your reality into something completely different and new. The same thought process when harnessed in the right direction can become your doorway to free-flowing energy within your system!

Use of affirmations as daily writings to rewire the old belief system

Maintaining a diary to write affirmations daily. You can write affirmations in the last 30 minutes of your day that is just before you sleep or during the first 30 minutes of your day, just after you wake up.

You can begin writing affirmations that have these three aspects in them.

1) Statement beginning with" I am " 2) a positive statement and 3) a statement in the present tense.

Use of affirmations as chants to eliminate the negative self-talk

Writing or chanting positive affirmations like “Life is easy. Life is smooth”; “I am grateful for all the blessings” multiple times throughout the day, not only helps you change your negative self-talk but also starts building a new neural pathway that holds the new affirming statements to be true thereby grounding and bringing you back to the present moment.

Perhaps, you might not believe it right away but the truth becomes that feeding our mind with such positive talks by writing them multiple times on a plain sheet and chanting them in our head, just before going to sleep can do wonders. Remember those days when to learn a complicated spelling by heart, how our mothers and teachers forced us to write that one spelling on a paper 5 to 7 times or even more for us to remember that spelling or word all throughout our lives and not forget it during our exams? Similarly, when you choose to write positive affirmations multiple times, it slowly and gradually becomes a part of your reality! We start making a shift in our lifestyle by consciously trying to change our self-talk into something encouraging and boosting.

Well! you don't have to figure everything out on your own! Write to us and we will help you choose the right affirmation for the rewiring of your old beliefs system.

Come and explore our Instagram Post of Affirmation Writing.

Connect with us for a free consultation. We will be glad to guide and assist you in your journey of healing and self-growth.

Love, light, and healing Team Happiness SOULutions


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