A boundary is an imaginary line that separates us from another person. It can also be known as some kind of limits and rules that people set for themselves in every area of their life. 

Let's see it this way. 

Imagine that you’re on the highway driving towards a goal in your life.

The yellow and white lines on the road, the guardrails, and the “exit closed barriers” are all boundaries. So we can say boundaries are the guidelines and rules that you put in your life to ensure your physical, mental, and emotional safety as you work towards your goals.

They make sure you stay in your lane and everyone around stays in their proper lanes so no wrecks happen.

Essentially, boundaries will keep you from driving your car (or your life) off the road or in the wrong direction to ensure maximum safety, comfort, connection, and resource optimization as you work to create a life you love and desire. 


These are questions you might ask yourself when setting healthy boundaries.

    ■What is your goal? What do you need or want or desire? For example, if your goal is 1) maintaining your wellbeing and 2) completing any project.

    ■What do you need in order to reach your goal? What needs to be a priority in your life so you can reach and/or maintain your goals? let's say for your wellbeing, your ongoing needs include play, rest, “off” hours, and encouragement & support. For any project, you need the money and uninterrupted time.

    ■What obstacles are keeping you from getting these needs met? What’s consuming your resources (time, money, energy, etc) that keep you from getting your needs met

    ■People who criticize you, belittle your worth, make you feel less than or unsafe, disrespect you might be obstacles to you receiving the encouragement & support you need in order to maintain your wellbeing. "Essentially, toxic people are obstacles." 

    ■People who use shame to try to control or manipulate you are obstacles to play, rest, and uninterrupted time.

    ■Answering client messages throughout the day might be an obstacle to you getting uninterrupted time to work on your project.

    ■Going to Target when you're feeling emotional or have had a bad day is an obstacle to the financial resources you may need for your project.

    ■ So How can you minimize these obstacles? How can you remove, or at least mitigate, to obstacles that keep you from ultimately accomplishing your goals?

Now, it’s time to create some boundaries!

Based on the answers to the questions above, here’s some boundaries – or limits – you can set.

    ●You can minimize contact with toxic individuals and minimize the time you spend with them. This may practically look like not answering the phone when a toxic person calls unless you know what they need. It also looks like not spending long periods of time with toxic people.

    ●If someone uses shame to try to control or manipulate you or how you spend your resources,  you can remove yourself from the situation. This may look like hanging up the phone, literally walking away from a situation, or just saying “no.”

    ●You can answer client messages only during a specified time of day, so that you can have time uninterrupted by messages throughout the day.

    ●You may avoid going to the target when you're feeling emotional or have had a difficult day.

Now, these are just a few of the boundaries which you can set to help you create a life you love. It certainly is not a comprehensive list of all the boundaries in life.

So what do you do now? 

Grab a free session with your happiness Coach to learn more about how to set healthy boundaries.


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