Showing Up.

What you resist, will persist. What you resist, will persist. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. What you can’t, you must. What you can’t, you must. 

Wondering what these are and why are each of these quotes written twice? Okay, so these are nothing but just a few of those quotes that have kept us sane during the most insane days of our life. A piece of hope that has kept us going when we were on the verge of giving up and has made us push our limits to come out of our comfort zone.

Showing up really means to be present in more than one way. It’s about appearing consistently for things that matter. It means being present by living in the moment. Like taking things one day at a time than taking all of it at once or not taking any step at all. So, the idea is to take the smallest step rather than taking no step at all. 

Showing up immensely enhances the quality of our lives as it requires gigantic courage and potential to beat the resistance and step out of your comfort zone when there is just no zeal to do so. 

5 simple ways to show up for yourself: -

1. Focusing on the process over the outcome

Showing up encompasses the philosophy of acceptance. When you commit to showing up in life, whether by getting up early in the morning for exercise, taking out time for self, making a call to a client, writing a post for a blog or Instagram, you are accepting any outcome that's going to happen.

2. Moving from setbacks easily and effortlessly

Moving on and letting go seems to be kinda difficult at times but holding on to the failures also isn’t worthwhile. Setbacks won’t matter when one is dedicated to showing up in life. No matter what happens, you just keep pursuing your goal, making changes and just show up. This attitude will enable anyone to recover from any obstacles in the path and will move on to the next level of opportunities. 

3. Creating more opportunities

Sometimes being in the right place at the right time is also a key to success. When you are showing up consistently in small ways, you are creating more chances that you’re in the right place when opportunities appear. Doesn’t matter whether you keep looking for the right job or finding clients for your new business, Showing up will drive you to find the opportunities.

4. Building new and effective habits

By taking just one small step towards building a new healthy habit, you are giving a shape to your life. Every time you show up to create a new habit, you are casting a vote towards your identity and who you want to be. For example, if you want to grow your business, every time you send an email or make a call, you vote towards becoming a better businessperson. 

So the next time when you are thinking of skipping an online course or class, show up by participating in the course for just one minute. By doing this You are reducing your resistance in building new habits over time, and the new habit becomes part of what you do and who you are. The key is not to be perfect, but to simply show up.

5. Building Relationships

Showing up could feel small but it’s incredibly powerful. Even in relationships with your friends and loved ones, it’s more important to just be there for them i.e. show up, than to perform grand gestures of giving gifts and going to parties. 

So, this sums up, the entire thing in a few words, when you make showing up the attitude of your life by constantly appearing for small-small things, you’ll start becoming more confident and the Universe will start blessing you with things that bring joy to your life as your efforts won’t be going unrecognized.

 By showing up you are choosing to “Grow through what you Go through”.

Love, light, and abundance
-Team Happiness!


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