Divine Chapter

Everyone and everything in your lige id part of a divine plan.

You could be dissatisfied with your life at present. You could be complaining and wanting to walk out of your own life. It's perfectly fine to experience all the anger and frustration on things not working out your way.

However, have you ever thought that every person or situation around you is part of your divine plan. Everything in your life is perfect and playing the role to perfection in order to lead you to your highest potential and your ultimate path.

Are you wondering how?
Well ! Just think about it. Had life been comfortable with every step, situation and relationships then the urge to better oneself and grow would die out. There will be no zeal and reason to take charge and move on to the next chapter in life.

Every ugly realtionship is teaching a lesson either to learn to love yourself more, take up your own responsibility, to drop judgements about others and self, to feel secured and to have faith in divine plan and yourself.

Every situation that feels stagnant is because you have already learnt your lesson and now its time to move on to next chapter of life. Maybe be you took time in learning and now you are afraid to let go.


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