We send signals around us just like a wifi!

We carry our vibes in every cell of our body. 

Our cells exactly vibrate what we constantly think and what we carry in  our thought space. People around us easily sense if we are radiating joy, confidence, fear, anger, anxiety, insecurity or depression.

A bio-field of these vibrations is formed around us. We manifest exactly the same experience, people and situations in our lives depending upon the feelings we radiate majority of the time.

Sad, sluggish, nagging, negative and depressed energies are repellent to happy, energetic, appreciative energies and vice versa. Our emotions affect our glands and hormones too.

How does this happen?
1.Muladhar/Root Chakra located at base of spine, on perineum (Ovary in female and Testis in male) is associated with survival: Security and Stability
2. Swadhisthana/Sacral Chakra (Pancreas gland) Creativit, Bonding and Dynamism 
3. Manipura/Solar Plexus Chakra (Adrenal gland) is associated with Willpower Self control v/s Fears  

4. Anahata/ Heart Chakra  Thymus gland
Is associated with Love and Affections   
 5.Vishuddha/Throat Chakra Thyroid gland  associated with Self Expression and Esteem  

6. Ajna/Third Eye chakra Pituitary gland  Vision, associated with Intuition v/s Implementation   

 7. Saharara/ Crown Chakra  Pineal gland  associated with Higher Purpose and Self Actualization  


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